Publishing Tips for Storyboard Artists
If you find yourself here, you are likely one of the many storyboard artists who have found their way to Speaker Deck over the past few years. We love you and are thankful you found a home with us.
As our community of designers and artists grows, there are a few tips I'd like to share that will help you as you prepare and share your works of art.
Uploading Tips
- Before you upload, reduce your file size
Storyboards contain a lot of slides with a lot of graphics and the PDFs can get extremely large. We have a max upload file size of 150MB, so it's best to reduce your file before attempting to upload. If you need help reducing the file, check out these resources in our knowledgebase. - When you export and compile your file, make sure the resolution and dimensions are high qualityto avoid fuzzy images. If your upload looks blurry, try increasing the resolution to 300 dpi and re-uploading the file.
- If your upload fails, let us know ( - sometimes large graphics can fail during processing and we can boost the processing power for you :). Drop us a line at our support email address and we'll help you out!
- If your deck is taking a long time to process, it's likely caused by a large number of users uploading storyboards at the same time, causing a backlog. We appreciate your patience. If it's been over an hour, email us at and we'll get it taken care of :).
Embedding Your Storyboards
We've created some guides to help you embed your storyboards on various websites. We're currently working on a simpler embed code that will make embedding your storyboards a breeze.
Need More Privacy?
If you need private URLs for client work or want to remove branding on your embedded decks, give Speaker Deck Pro a try!